Mary Christmas

Last year, when Posy first made sense of the Christmas story, she thought it was about Joe Fish, Mary Christmas and the Baby Cheeses. Christmas kind of came as a pleasant surprise. This year she is so much more on top of Christmas. She informed The Boy that if he wasn't nice he would get coal in his stocking. She has been having a serial theological debate about whether you can have boy angels (she leans towards the negative there), and has been counting the sleeps since November.

So Posy's Christmas? Started at eleven minutes past five, with visions of shiny chocolate Santas and Barbie accessories and shrieks of glee, dancing around with her stocking. When she finally arrived at the Christmas tree she was more interested in evidence of Father Christmas than in her presents. He had eaten most of his Christmas cake, but left some crumbs ('I don't think he likes sultanas...'). He drank all of his beer (he must have been very thirsty with all that present wrapping), and those messy reindeer had spat the ends of the carrots down the chimney again.

Presents were a joy, lunch with friends was a joy, Christmas crackers with silly hats were a great and abiding joy. The darling big sisters helped to make a her a Nativity scene for her very own, and she played with Joe Fish and Baby Cheeses and the animals (including the Christmas Bilby) for the longest time.

Hoping your Christmas was as happy and sparkly as Posy's, and that it didn't end in quite so many tears...

Mary Christmas to all...

By the way, it is now Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, Eve, etc etc. It is rather amazing how long a certain two little girls can keep that up.


Leonie said…
What a sweet picture of Christmas at your house. Merry Christmas!
Anonymous said…
I remember when my eldest son asked if Jesus' mother was Mary Christmas.


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