Ups and Downs of the Week

 Sometimes it is just better to go back to bed. 

This week The Girl and her partner came to stay. Lovely.

Then The Girl, Rosy and Red suddenly had to go to a family funeral in Adelaide. The Girl's partner and I were going to stay here and spend a couple of days making pickles and assorted preserves, because we both enjoy that sort of thing. But then they fell ill, and got sicker and sicker until we ended up at the hospital at 1am, and then appendicitis and surgery. 

The plumber, who was going to come on Monday, still hasn't arrived and this morning one of the biggest, healthiest tomato plants keeled over and died. 

On the other hand, the kiddos got home yesterday, safe and sound. The funeral they went to celebrated the long and happy life of a great grandfather who had just turned ninety. 

The Girl's partner got through surgery very well and comes home this afternoon, and is very thankful they chose the option of not travelling to the funeral. 

The hot water, while not very hot, is also not getting colder and even if all the tomatoes die we won't develop scurvy, because supermarkets and edible weeds.

Everything looks much better after a full night's sleep..

Friday morning update: The Girl's partner is has come back home here, and is resting on the couch with the dog and a cup of tea. The plumber came and fixed the hot water. The bees are buzzing in the garden. Feeling pretty fortunate here.


simplelife said…
as the saying goes, what difference 24 hours makes!
so glad to read that your situations have all turned and are heading for the sunny side again, except the tomatoes doesn't sound like they are coming back.
cheers Kate
Gretchen Joanna said…
At least your Autumn Joy -- it looks like that to me -- and kangaroo paws look healthy! All the humans in your household are alive and that is great. But what a hectic and unsettling chain of events....
Anonymous said…
What a week you have had. Yes, sometimes it is better to go back to bed! Glad The Girl's partner is one the mend, and that the water heater is fixed. I hope you and they still get to do your preserving.
I hope this coming week is quiet, peaceful and restful for you.
Jo said…
Kate, the tomato plant turned up its toes for good. The frustrating thing is I don't know why. Why does a perfectly healthy plant just die, when all the other tomatoes are fine?

Gretchen Joanna, it is indeed sedum Autumn Joy, one of my favourites, loved by all the bees. Yes, what really matters: everyone is still alive.

Patricia, I did pickle some turnips, which I really recommend. I am not keen on turnips, but I planted some anyway, for reasons of I don't know, and pickled they taste of pickle rather than turnip, which I call a win.

Mary, yes, I am hoping for a quiet week.. I hope yours is lovely:)
sustainablemum said…
It sounds like you have had quite a week. Sometimes weeks like that come along and remind us that we are all ok as life goes back to business as usual. I hope everyone is doing ok now.
Blueberry said…
Glad the family is recovering from a week of Mondays! Something we use to say at work when things got crazy. Never knew you could pickle turnips would like more info. Do you eat the greens or just the roots. If you know someone with chickens give them turnips for eggs. Take Care
Treaders said…
Gosh I'm so glad the partner never made the trip to the funeral and is doing better now! But you're right, everything always looks better in the daylight doesn't it!
Jo said…
sustainablemum, yes, it is so good that life is back to sort of usual, but also a bit of residual antsiness and overwhelm..

Blueberry, yeah, a week of Mondays, I love that! Pickled turnips, yes I will post a photo and recipe. I just used the roots, but I expect the leaves would pickle just as nicely, thanks for that thought!

Anna, things look better in daylight only if you have slept well, in my experience, which I have now, so that is good:)

Jo said…
Deborah, I have no idea why your comment didn't publish, apologies, but here it is:

I do like a happy ending! I hope everything goes well from now on as it's too exhausting to have all the annoying things one on top of the other.

Is Paul well?


Yes, Deborah, I also love a happy ending. Been rather fortunate in them over the years. Paul is one of them, with all clear scans for a year now, and has switched down from 3 month to 6 month scans:)

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